15 mai 2006

Can my classmate mary her partner ?

A classmate of mine that came from another country asked me if it’s possible for her partner who is staying in their country to come to Quebec so they can get married, when my classmate gets her permenant resident permit. They really love each other and wish to get married someday (if not, soon).


Hi Wilhelmina,

Thanks for writing to Alterheros. It is currently legal for same-sex couples to marry in Quebec, and also the rest of Canada. So yes, it is possible for your friend and your friend’s partner to marry in Quebec. The marriage will be recognized throughout Canada. The marriage may not, however, but recognized in jurisdictions outside Canada where same-sex marriage is not recognized. For more information about getting married in Quebec, please visit the following web site:


Hope this answers your question.

Best regards,


Alterheros volunteer
