21 octobre 2009

Will my transition go more quickly with castration?

i am a man wanting to be a woman. I’ve been on estrafem for about 3 months. I’ been told that my pills will show more and quicker results if i get castrated, is that correct? I REALLY WANT TO BE CASTRATED ANY! I»m just having a hard time finding someone to do it.


Dear John,

Thank you for your question, I am certain it is one that has been asked by many trans folk. First I would like to address the issue of hormones. Hormone protocols are undertaken by doctors in accordance with agreed upon clinical guidelines such as the WPATH guidelines (World Professional Association for Transsexual Health). There are also recognized hormone protocols which are used by physicians to help the transition process. I do not recommend buying hormones on the black market and administering them yourself. It is very important that you be followed by a physician when taking estrogen because it can increase the risk of thromboembolism (ie: venous or pulmonary embolism or death). The risk is even higher in smokers.

Castration is not required for the estrogen to take effect. If you go through the medical system, find the medical help and counseling you need, you will not have a hard time ‘finding somebody' who could perform a sexual reassignment surgery (including an orchiectomy – the medical term for ‘castration’.). Transition is hard and you will likely need the help and support of a good psychologist or sexologist in addition to a doctor who can safely prescribe your hormones and follow you to make sure you are progressing through your transition in a health way.

I wish you the best of luck!


for Alterheros
